Easy Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Men

Is time flying or what? I can't believe that November is almost over and that Thanksgiving is literally around the corner. December is just a sneeze away! I figured it would be a good idea to start brainstorming some ways to gift the men dudes in your life. Whether it's your significant other, brother, father, cousin, son, or nephew, I have some fun ideas for you. This is a sponsored post from Lunchbox, I've been asked to share my own creative gift and stocking stuffer ideas. I know it can get challenging with so many other things going on around us at this time of the year, so I am happy to share.
It's been a work in progress. I've always been pretty good at buying gifts for my friends, mom, aunts and girl cousins. Living with my hubby and a teen son, I've definitely gotten better with gift giving for men. I think the trick is to keep it simple and keep it real. They won't necessarily appreciate the same types of things that the ladies will.
What it boils down to in my opinions is food, funnies and man-cessities (yes, I just made that word up). That applies to things like razors but also expands to things like gloves and socks too. At least the men in my life seem to appreciate these types of things more. It seems to just make sense and be logical to them. I can totally work with that.
❅ Manly snacks like dried meats. Men seem to eat this up, literally.
❅ Grooming kits such as beard trimmers, hair or nail clippers.
❅ Bacon is all the rage. They sell bacon everything... gum, jam and even floss. This could cover food and funny.
❅ Fill up their stockings with the basics. Socks, gloves, belts, wallets, t-shirts and boxers.
❅ Hobby related goodies are always great to add. Is your guy into fishing, racing, football?
❅ Toiletries and great smelling manly stuff like AXE® Products.
At Sam's Club, you can pick up three packs of AXE® Products, so you can split them up between each man in your life –saving you time and money while keeping them happy and smelling good! Sounds like a total win/win to me!
Make sure to visit Sam's Club to pick up your stocking stuffers this year. Fill your cart with their three packs of AXE® Products at the best value and savings.
What are your favorite stocking stuffer ideas for the men in your life?
What a great list. As my oldest gets older, he is harder to shop for,going to keep this list in mind.
My husband is actually allergic to it!
I get these every year for my husband, they make great stocking stuffers!
My son is obsessed with Axe. He gets it for every Christmas
Bacon & Axe are definitely on my list for my husband!!
Why are guys so difficult to buy for? Shouldn't be really, they are pretty simple & easier to please in comparison to us, don't you agree ladies!? Not sure my other half would appreciate bacon floss lol but definitely some good ideas, thanks!
My husband and brother are big Axe fans! Thanks for a great stocking stuffer idea!
These would be great for my husband and father in law!
My son loves his Axe products. Our traditional stocking stuffer is those Lifesavers Books.
I actually always buy my boyfriend some sort of Axe or whatever brand gift set I find in the store. He loves to get to look and smell nice so they're great, easy gifts 🙂
Axe are good stocking stuffers. I used it for stocking stuffers last year with the sets that I found at Walmart.
These are great gift ideas. My husband loves Axe...and pretty much everything else on your list! He would be super excited to wake up to a stocking like that on Christmas morning.
Some great tips! I remember when my brothers were teenagers and use to over dose us in the "scent" of Axe haha.
Thanks for sharing this! I am always at a loss for what to get for my hubs, but this is a great gift set idea!
My son's would love an axe gift set!
those are incredibly manly gifts. Hubs used to wear Axe, but it started to smell weird on him so he switched. Funny thing is, his mom refuses to acknowledge this, and still purchases the gift boxes for him! 🙂
fun snacks, silly socks, deoderant, toothpaste, shower gel, etc
j loves axe. which cracks me up -- don't get me wrong, i like the smell, he's happy with the performance- but my nephew "discovered" axe at 13 and used it all every day. like all different scents. and that always makes me giggle when i see or hear axe!
great ideas! thanks for sharing, it helped!
Bacon gum? Oh goodness....that's a new one. I think that would be perfect for my father in law!
I usually do a small gift card, but I like this idea!
Well, my man-child loves candy so I do that quite a bit, but he likes nuts and beef jerky too. Quite frankly, he'll take anything as a poor college student though!
I was in need of some stocking stuffer ideas for men! I have my husband a couple of things he has asked for but I still needed a couple more gifts to finish his stocking. I usually do candy, deodorant, body wash, and specific items he asks for.
My husband HATES all the bacon flavored things, he wants his gum to taste like gum and his bacon to taste like bacon lol. But he does LOVE Axe products so I think I'll be stuffing his stocking with a bunch of those!
HAHA Bacon, my husband would jump for joy if he got Bacon in his stocking. We don't eat Pork but a few times a year so it really is his meat candy!
Axe products always go over big with the teens and men in my family.
Fantastic tips for gifting for men this holiday season. My Husband will love this
Great idea! I love to get Axe for my husband for Christmas - I'll have to check out Sam's!
This is a great idea. I always struggle finding ideas for my husband.
My husband loves Axe and uses it all day! We always put it in his stocking! Great idea!
Men are so hard to buy 4. Great list!
AXE will definitely be in both my husband's and Austin's stockings for Christmas. Hubby has been using AXE for years.
I think candy snacks and toiletries are the best stocking stuffers!
oh yea shopping for men is my weak point UGH! Thanks for these ideas, I like the Bacon one. Although I"m not sure about Bacon soap haha
Great ideas! Filling hubby's stocking is probably my toughest job.
Why is it men are so much harder to buy for? Great ideas, hubby is all about jerky.
Great ideas! I'm always looking for ideas of things to give my husband in his stocking, thanks!
My husband loves Axe products. They are so nice with good scents and reasonably priced!
Mike just started getting into their deodorant. I love the smell!!!
This is a great idea. I think my husband and son who both like Axe would really enjoy this gift.
My husband really likes his deodorant, but my son is still searching for one. I'll have to share this with him.
I am so good at doing stocking stuffers for the kids. But my husband is definitely a challenge. Thanks for the these great ideas!
These are a great idea. I like the one that is for women too!
I struggle a bit knowing what to get for my son and nephew. They would love some Axe products!
My son is a HUGE Axe fan. We always get him several for his stocking.
Bacon floss, gum and jam? Sound horrible to me, but maybe my husuband would like those, LOL.
This is a really good stocking stuffer! My son loves this stuff.
These are all fantastic ideas for the guys in your life! You seem to have every base covered, too 🙂
Especially the bacon angle. What man DOESN'T like bacon?!
My hubby loves AXE and I love Sam's Club! This is a match made in heaven! lol.
I love making stockings. My husband would love some Axe products in his stocking! I'm going to pick some up this afternoon when I run errands. My only problem is that I start now and by the time it is Christmas, I've gone way overboard on my family's stockings. LOL - I can't resist good ideas or sales!
My husband has been using Axe products since they first came out. I bet he'd love to find this in his stocking! Thank you for sharing, now I have to run to Sam's club!
My hubby will love this! Thanks!
I love having things like this for my hubs stocking!! I think it is a fun gift and who doesn't love the smell of Axe?! I normally put like Pistachios, jerky, some chocolate, and other odds and ends!