
Chocolate Peanut Butter Slow Cooker Molten Cake Recipe

You know my slow cooker is hands down my favorite kitchen appliance, don't you?  Over the last couple of years, I started to experiment a bit more my making breads and bakes. This year, I started making desserts too.  Not just any desserts, but these amazing ooey gooey molten cakes.  After tasting it, I couldn't imagine serving it any other way.  A big chocolate glob of batter turns into this out of this world heavenly chocolatey goodness.  It's crumbly, moist and just begs to be served with your favorite scoop of ice cream. You see, it's not me that is telling you to have it with ice cream, it's actually the cake.

chocolate peanutbutter

The secret to making this cake is using sour cream and pudding mix. It makes it moist and gives it that molten effect that you would normally get in the middle of a delicious restaurant dessert. I still remember my first time having one of those, so good and seriously FUN! Who doesn't love chocolate oozing out of their already chocolaty dessert?  Well, this is like a giant glob of all of that goodness mixed together.  The cake recipe I am sharing today features peanut butter, but if you don't love PB, I also made an identical Death By Chocolate cake here using Nutella instead. I can't decide which one I like best, it really depends on my cravings.


Chocolate Peanut Butter Slow Cooker Molten Cake Recipe


  • 16 - 18 oz Devils Food Cake Mix
  • 1 Box Chocolate Pudding Mix
  • 1.5 Cups Creamy Peanut Butter
  • 8 oz Sour Cream
  • 1 Cup Milk
  • 1 Cup Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
  • 4 Eggs
  • ½ Cup Butter or Margarine
  • Recommended: Line slow cooker with parchment paper


  1. Line your slow cooker with parchment paper. Mix all ingredients except chocolate chips until fully blended. Fold in chocolate chips. Add to slow cooker. Cook on low for approximately 3.5 hours. Cooking time will vary depending on your size. The larger it is, the less cook time will be needed. The cake will be very "wet" looking. This is a good thing, you don't want to overcook it or you will not have the delicious molten effect. It's best when the edges are cooked just slightly beyond it's original liquid state. Enjoy!

Spring has finally sprung, but that doesn't mean I'll be neglecting my slow cooker. Nope, not at all. It helps keep the house cooler and I don't have to stick my head in a 400° oven, which I really appreciate! Plus, I'm not glued to it and waiting for a timer to go off. I can keep on with my regular activities and hopefully sneak in my walks. Today is actually the first sunny day we've had and as soon as our water guys finish up, we're headed to the park! Can't wait!


Do you use your slow cooker more or less in the warmer months?

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  1. This looks absolutely amazing. We use our slow cooker all of the time but have never tried desserts in it. Molten chocolate cake is one of my favorite things.

  2. I think I just gained a few pounds from looking at this. There is definitely a temptation to lick the screen.

  3. I really like using my slow cooker. I did not know I could use it to make a cake. That is new and exciting.

  4. Oh my word! This looks a-ma-zing! I am such a chocolate fan (eating chocolate covered almonds as we speak) and then the fact that you made this in your slow cooker!

    1. I promise it's sooo tasty! Too funny, my husband is completely addicted to noshing on chocolate covered almonds. 😉

  5. I haven't tried making a cake like this before but it's looks so gooey and yummy. Gotta try more slow cooking recipes

    1. That is the best part 😉 Great with ice cream melting over it too! Yes, break out that slow cooker.. so easy and fun!

  6. I use my slow cooker less in the warmer weather, but this makes me rethink that, I never thought about dessert in the slow cooker. Great idea and this looks yum!

  7. Wow, Dawn, that looks so delicious. My mouth is watering for chocolate cake and it's still breakfast time! lol. Might have to try this one this weekend. YUM!

    1. Thanks Krystie! Hey.. chocolate for breakfast is not a bad idea at all! 😉 Thanks so much for stopping by!

  8. That looks delish! I love anything with chocolate AND peanut butter. I've tried to make desserts in the crockpot - but with little success. I'm not much of a baker either - so maybe that's my issue!

  9. I have yet to make a dessert in my crockpot, so I am definitely going to have to give this a try. My daughter loves Nutella, so I may try that one first! Peanut butter will be next - yum!

  10. Wow! This molten cake looks amazing. I had no idea you could make a cake in a slow cooker!

  11. I love your pictures! This looks absolutely amazing. Thanks for sharing! PS: I heard it was peanut butter and jelly day so this was very appropriate!

  12. Oh my goodness, I'm in heaven. Only thing that would be better is if I could taste it by licking my screen! I'm totally going to have to make this, as well as the Death By Chocolate one you mentioned- I have some Nutella begging to be used in a recipe and not just eaten out of the jar. 😉

  13. This looks so delicious! I love chocolate and peanut butter together. I always love finding dessert recipes I can make in my slow cooker too.

  14. Oh goodness gracious, does that ever look inviting! It's small enough so that I wouldn't even be mad at myself either.

  15. You had me at chocolate and peanut butter. Ha! I do like to still use the slow cooker pretty regularly year-round. Sometimes we use it in summer specifically to keep the kitchen cool.

  16. I use it year round. In the summer months it's a great way to cook a hot meal without using the oven and heating the house up.

  17. That looks super yummy! I have been wanting to use my slow cooker a lot more. It really just makes life so much easier with my busy schedule. The only problem I see if having to get more slow cookers so you can make a 5 course meal! LOL

  18. I haven't used my slow cooker in awhile. I use it more in the Winter months.

    If I had liked chocolate, I would love to eat your cake! It looks really good!

  19. This looks so yummy. I haven't done much dessert cooking in my crock pot but hey I love a good crock pot recipe so I will definitely be trying this one out.

  20. I have never made a dessert in my crock pot before, but I definitley want to try it. I am usually more of an instant gratification kind of girl, so I don't like to wait for my sweets LOL.

    1. Aww thanks Barbara! It is really rich and moist! So yummy! Thanks for stopping by, love seeing you 😉

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