DIY "CUTE"icle Valentine's Day Nail Polish Gift Tag

After a somewhat long and slow January, I'm up for a little fun. How about a Valentine's Day Nail Polish Gift Idea? Say "You're So CUTEicle" with a little click of a button. It's cute, it's simple. So what do you say, are you in?
Yeah, I know we're only a little over two weeks in to the new year. After all of the holiday fun and anticipation, it's hard not to find something new to look forward to. That might be one of the many reason's that the day of love is seriously needed. While I adore my chocolate, I thought it would be fun to make a quirky non-candy gift to give. Now, this might be one of the corniest ideas I've ever come up with. But, I'm totally good with that.
Well okay this isn't the most corny or cheesy Valentine I've come with. I AM, after all the cheesiest ever around Valentine's Day. There's nothing wrong with letting loose every once in a while and showing your silly side. I might do it a little more than others, but hey. Well, at least I'm counting on that being a good thing.
You're So "CUTE"icle Printable Gift Tag
So let's get the Valentine's Day party started!
Just pick your favorite color polish. Pinks, Reds and Glitters are perfect for this. Grab some thin ribbon too!
Download & Print off this: Cute-icle Valentines Day Printable (PDF) (15 per page)
I used a hole puncher and then tied a bow around the nail polish handle to secure the gift tag. Voila! It's incredibly easy to be thoughtful with just a little creativity. You're welcome! 😉
Want more quirky V-day Gift Ideas?
Get these Valentine's Day Gum Printables or this extra Cheesy Printable here.
What are your plans for Valentine's Day? Share the fun you have brewing!