5 Tips for Stress-Free Holiday Hosting

This is my favorite time of the year. So many holidays and so much joy making ahead. The next special occasion that I'm looking forward to is Thanksgiving. Along with all the fun and memory making, can come stress and chaos. To kick off the season the right way, I'm sharing my favorite tips to keep hosting for the holiday stress-free! Choosing time saving actions and products to serve are key. This is a sponsored post.
When it comes to saving time and avoid stress, remembering some classic favorites is a must. There's a beverage that has been a favorite of ours for family gatherings lately and that's Milo’s Famous Iced Tea! Let me share the reasons why!
These 5 important but simple tips will help you bring the joy back to celebrating the holiday season.
1. Keep Your Menu Simple
To keep the stress level down for everyone, choose simple foods and solutions that are effective. Choosing well-loved options like Milo’s Sweet Tea and other must-have Thanksgiving staples that satisfy is your ticket to simplicity. Don't forget the reason you are gathering with family. It's to enjoy the company. Going crazy in the kitchen or coming up with frilly ideas will easily steal the joy. Milo’s Tea is available sweetened with pure cane sugar, no calorie sweetened with sucralose or unsweet. Make it your signature beverage options and offer various garnishes like thyme, mint and cinnamon sticks to make it extra festive. Instant crowd pleasure with no fuss.
2. Stop Cleaning EVERYTHING
A huge part of the stress in hosting is getting our homes clean and organized. Who needs it? Keep cleaning simple and let yourself off the hook a little. ONLY focus on rooms that your guests will see. Close the doors to your bedrooms and other off limit rooms. Add a wet paint sign to the door if you need to. This will allow you to just focus on keeping the main areas tidy and keep the frantic feelings at bay. Brilliant if you ask me!
3. Use Cooking Hacks
One of the things I've realized that I stink at is timing a meal right. So, what have I done? Kind of given up and it's okay. My top tip is to rely on your slow cooker for as many side dishes as possible. This will greatly reduce the need to balance timing and spots on your stove-top. That way you can just focus on being attentive to your main dishes. Less chance of burning things and reduces the need to babysit what's cooking. That's a huge win.
4. Take Advantage of Guests
I know that sounds funny... but hear me out. Don't be modest or shy here. Ask your guests to bring something. Most guests offer to bring something anyway. Right? So, this year... be clever and say YES! Think side dishes and desserts and maybe something a little more fun like games or a holiday playlist.
5. Breathe
This is your official reminder to breathe. Remember to relax and enjoy your company. There is a reason you're all gathering together and it's really up to you to make the very best of each moment. You are in control, my friends. Live it up and don't forget to snap pics to treasure for years to come.
Make Milo’s Tea the hero on your Thanksgiving table. Their teas are freshly brewed from real tea leaves, and are all natural and contain no preservatives or added acids. Matter of fact, all the ingredients are clean! With this no fuss option, you’ll have more time to enjoy your T-day company.
Find Milo’s in the refrigerated juice section of your local supermarket near you by searching here.
These are great tips. I have always done all of the cooking for our family holiday dinner but this year everyone is bringing something and I am looking forward the help.
This is great advice. I definitely tend to get overstressed when I'm preparing for my holiday guests!
A 3 day retreat of yoga, health and whole rest.
That's a fun idea if you can swing it!