Its APPArty: Avatar Adversaries Watch Party Ideas

This post is sponsored by Nickelodeon.
Calling all Avatar: The Last Airbender fans! I've created a fun "it's APPArty" in celebration of #AvatarAdversaries. Fans of all ages will get a kick out of this fun play on words. I'm sharing how blue arrow cakes, element cupcake toppers and Iroh's The Jasmine Dragon Tea House Bubble Milk Tea Mochi available at FYE and fun items from Box Lunch can take your watch parties to the next level. I've also put together a printable party kit that you can download and keep.

Ready to take it back to the beginning with an Avatar: The Last Airbender watch party? Then, you've come to the right place. You can print off my party kit to get a head start on your plans. These can also be used for a birthday party and beyond.
If you've been a longtime viewer, you probably love Appa. This fun party theme pays homage to Aang's Sky Bison. Iykyk. I created a "It's APPArty" banner and included in the free party kit below.

Avatar: The Last Airbender parties are more and more popular, especially among pre-teens and teens. There are many Avatar-themed party ideas to choose from and I'm excited to share some good ones to get you started.
From printable decorations to tasty eats, it's the perfect place to start.

There are so many tasty foodie ideas you could include, here are some super easy thought-starters.
ELEMENT CUPCAKES - You can do this in many ways. I have included printable cupcake toppers for each of the elements including water, earth, fire, or air. You could also serve cupcakes that match the element colors as well. Blue, red, green and yellow.

ARROW TATOO CUPCAKES - You can also find printable arrow toppers in the party kit below.

ARROW TATTOO CAKES - these are one of my favorites. Take an arrow cookie cutter and just use the front part of it to cut out arrow shapes from store-bought pound cake. Use store-bought blue cookie icing to cover. Let set before serving.

BUBBLE MILK TEA MOCHI - Shop Iroh's The Jasmine Dragon Tea House Bubble Milk Tea Mochi at FYE.

POPCORN - what is a watch party without popcorn? Add some to a large bowl with a scoop and place some small cups or bowls next to it for serving.

Sip, sip, hooray! Here are some Avatar: The Last Airbender drink ideas.
CACTUS JUICE - is a popular idea used in themed parties. You can get a printable label in the party kit below. Just pick up some green juice and you're good to go.

BANANA ONION JUICE - is a possibly yucky drink idea, but you can simple label a yellow colored juice with "banana onion juice".
ELEMENT DRINKS - you could also serve colored beverages themed around the elements. So, blue, red, green and yellow.
It's not a party without some decorations if you ask me! Here are some easy ideas that you won't need bending skills to pull off.
it's APPArty BALLOONS - you can shop for these balloons on Amazon or at your local party store. I loved using smaller cursive letters for some and regular text to make APPA stand out.

You can score an "It's APPArty" banner with some fun extras in the printable kit, below.
BALLOONS - make the party fun by adding balloons in the element colors. Blue, Red, Green and Yellow.
BOX LUNCH GOODIES - check out the fun items available from Box Lunch from themed throw blankets and PJ pants to Avatar: The Last Airbender Moonlight Ramen Bowl with Chopsticks to Avatar: The Last Airbender Four Nations Character Portraits Ombre Pint Glass Set.

FYE GOODIES - check out the items including Iroh's The Jasmine Dragon Tea House Bubble Milk Tea Mochi from FYE pictured above and below.

As promised, here is the fun party kit that you can download and keep.
Avatar: The Last Airbender is a Nickelodeon show that first aired from 2005 to 2008. The show is set in a world where people can control one of the four elements: water, earth, fire, or air. The Avatar is the only person who can control all four elements and is tasked with keeping the world in balance.

Please share with a friend or two if you enjoyed these Avatar Adversaries party ideas!

If you host your own party, I would love to see photos! Tag @cutefetti on social media so that I can see.