Candy Carrot Cupcakes for Easter

Hey, hey! Glad you came back for more fun with carrots today. This just might be the last carrot share from me for the season, so I may as well make it a good one! I have to admit this was one of the most fun goodies using a throwback candy. Circus Peanuts! I can't remember the last time I actually had these, I remember always finding them intriguing as a kid. I mean peanuts? I'm sure there is an interesting story involved, but for now making tasty sweet carrots is in order. Let's make candy carrot cupcakes! This post contains affiliate links.
To make these super simple “carrots”, I used Circus Peanuts candy. These can be purchased almost anywhere and then green licorice. I used deLISH brand from Walgreens that are Granny Smith Apple Flavored (yum). These were the perfect width for the carrot tops on these delicious little goodies.
For the carrot base, trim off the tip of one side of the Circus Peanut candy. Flip it over and pinch the un-cut side into a slightly pointy carrot-like shape. Use a toothpick to make little indentations that look like a real carrot!
Trim your green licorice as needed. Then, make a few slices into one side to give it a full look. Then, use a dab of frosting to get the licorice to stick to the sliced side of the "carrot". Voila! Now you have a tasty candy carrot!
To make a super easy sweet treat for Easter or spring, just bake up a batch of cupcakes from a box mix or any other recipe and frost them up! I simply used a star tip to swirl mine on and topped with these candy carrots!
Want more carrot fun? Check these posts out too:
That's a wrap for my carrot fun this season. Next up! Egg decorating!
Do you enjoy playing with your food? Tell me some fun ways you've decorated cupcakes?
You are freaking brilliant! Seriously. How do you come up with this stuff?
Okay, you are making me blush.. lol! Finally had a little free time to get my creative juices flowing again. Thanks so much for the compliment!