Easter Fun: Make Carrot Inspired Mason Jars

It's a carrot packed Easter. See, I told you that there were lots of fun carrot ideas on the way. I love mason jar. I really do. It just made sense to try to work them into a spring project. There are so many ways to go with these. Paint them solid orange or just a tint? I wanted to try out some translucent orange paint, so I filled them with fun orange gumballs instead. My favorite part though? The carrot "stems" made of green tulle. Let the good times roll! This post contains affiliate links.
As I was working on these, I gave it a bit of thought. My husband wonders why I have half of a closet filled with this glass jars in every size imaginable. It got me to thinking, I'll admit. What is it about these glass jars that makes them so well loved. I mean, they are just glass containers. Right? I really couldn't come up with a reasonable reason to this explain this phenomenon. Well, whichever way you slice it, my love seems to be ever-lasting. So, on that note... let's make some carrot inspired mason jars, shall we?
Here's what I used:
- Bright Orange Translucent Enamel Glass Paint (I used TransforMASON brand)
- Green Acrylic Paint - Optional extra color for lids (I used Kelly Green)
- Green Tulle Cut Into Strips (9" length & 3" wide). 24 strips per jar. (I used Expo Shiny Tulle)
- Sponge Brush
- Pint Sized Mason Jars
- Orange Candy - Optional (I filled mine with these cute orange gumballs - this bag filled two jars)
Here's what I did:
- The first thing I did was paint the jars with the orange tint using a sponge brush. I settled on only one coat after doing some experimenting. If you opt for multiples, I would definitely plan for the drying time according to your paint directions. I found that although it dried fast to the touch, when I tried painting over it, it got chunky and weird. Then I painted the lids green. This is totally optional as you really can't see the lids after you add the tulle. Let dry.
- Cut tulle into strips. I took my roll of tulle and cut out 9" strips. Then I cut it in half length wise so that each strip was 3" wide total as I used a 6" roll of tulle. This is really flexible as far as how you want your carrot tops to look, you can definitely come up with your own height and width based on your tulle or preference.
- Tie each strip of tulle onto jar lid with a double knot. Repeat all around the jar lid. I used 24 total strips of tulle to fill the entire circle.
- Add candy if desired and put the cap on the jars. That's all!
Want more carrot inspired Easter goodies? Check these out:
Do you have a love for mason jars too? Spill the gumballs, how many do you have right now?
Hi! I just stopped by from the Create It Thursday Link Party. This is adorable! Who doesn't love tulle?
These are super cute! Pinned and hope you can join us on Merry Monday and the Spring Craft Blog Hop.
These jars are so cute too!!!! You have some amazing ideas!!! So much inspiration and so many creative ideas!!! Love it!!!
These jars are so freaking cute! You are way too creative!
Awww thanks so much Melissa! I finally had some free time to think.. which is rare. LOL! I had a fun making these! 😉