Super Easy Christmas Wreath Cookies

It's not even funny how much I love taking store bought cookies and turning them into something cool. I've been wanting to make these Christmas Wreath Cookies for a while now. Those butter ring cookies found at most dollar stores are the perfect shape for these. Add some mini M&MS or any other small red and green candy to the mix and you have some serious low effort treats for the holidays. Does it get better than that? This post contains affiliate links.
Christmas Wreath Cookies Recipe
Some will argue that this is not a recipe, but I beg to differ. I am not a baker, I somewhat really stink at it. That's why I love making little hacks and still getting that sense of pride when I make something cute. Plus, seriously. Do you think Santa is gonna complain when he sees these wreath cookies set out next to his millionth glass of milk on Christmas Eve? Get your game face on and let's do this.
Butter Ring Cookies (found at Dollar Tree, etc. Get a visual on those here.)
Green Icing (such as Wilton Cookie Icing)
Mini M&Ms (in red and green - I had to hand pick mine out of the pack)
Wilton Holly Mix Sprinkles ( I love these so much)
Decide how many cookies you'll make first. Then, add green icing onto each butter ring cookie. It's SUPER easy to stay in the lines with these cookies because they have a little rim around them. Carefully place two "Holly" sprinkles together on top of the icing. Then use a dab of icing to secure one mini M&M in the center. Gently place about 5 mini M&Ms in red and or green evenly around the remaining "wreath" cookie. Let the cookies set and dry before serving or packing them up. (Read the instructions on your icing as timing will vary) That's literally it. These fabulous treats will be done in literally minutes.

Christmas Wreath Cookies
- Butter Ring Cookies
- Green Icing
- Mini M&Ms
- Wilton Holly Mix Sprinkles
- Add green icing onto each butter ring cookie. Carefully place two "Holly" sprinkles together on top of the icing. Then use a dab of icing to secure one mini M&M in the center. Gently place about 5 mini M&Ms in red and or green evenly around the remaining "wreath" cookie. Let set and dry before serving. Easy!

Your turn to share! Tell me what your very favorite Christmas cookies are to make.. or EAT!