Learning How To Sneak In More "Me Time"

It can't be just me. It feels like the hours in the day are shrinking. Could it be that it's getting darker earlier? I don't know what it is, but it's kinda cramping my style. I need more more time in a day. No matter what I try, there is just no extra time lately. That's why multi-tasking has become something I've urgently been trying to do more of. While watching T.V. while working isn't really "me time", it's a step in the right direction. Ya know?
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I've racked my brain and hope you'll join me in a journey to learn how to sneak in more much needed "me time". Here's what I came up with. Effective immediately. After I write this, of course. Don't judge.
5 Ways to Sneak In More "Me Time"
1) Letting go a little. Since we can't grow time on trees quite yet, I think we have to cut things out of our schedule. It's hard not to aim to get every little thing done. We'll have to just simply let go a little. Maybe this means that laundry is a little behind, dishes only get done once or maybe we skip cleaning out the fridge until next week. The trick is to let it go, but be okay with your decision. Start small if you have to!
2) Getting help. Try to dole out responsibilities if you can. Even enlist the kids if you're able. Maybe little johnny can help change the garbage now or your significant other can take over grocery shopping. Have a family meeting and see how you can work together to get things done better together. Don't be shy, tell them you need some much needed "me time"!
3) Shortcuts. Can't do it all? Time to cut some corners. Swap this with that. Here are some ideas for shortcuts that I've recently taken. Can't get a manicure in? Buy some press on nails, boy do they have some adorable options now. Instant mood changer! No time to cook? Shave off time with already prepared foods like roasted chicken, bacon that's pre-packaged for microwave cooking, containers of potato salad. You'll still have a home cooked meal that's better than take out by piecing together convenience products. But, hey. Takeout exists for a reason. If your budget can swing it, save yourself from dinner dilemmas and place an order!
4) Simplifying. Time to re-evaluate things. Here are some ideas to simplify and take back your precious time. Take turns dropping the kids off at school with a neighbor. Keep better shopping lists so you don't have to run out to the store more than once. Create a laundry station where everyone has to bring their hampers there weekly. Don't buy new, re-purpose something you have on hand. Detox your home, if you don't use it, get rid of it. Less clutter will give your home a more clean feel. I really need to do this!
5) Multitasking. Have to take little Mary Jane to ballet or Joey to basketball practice? Take that time to make a to-do list or get some work done. Don't wait until you get home. Sitting and waiting for things is one of the biggest time suckers. Being able to multi-task and do it right can be a big blessing. That's why I instantly fell in love with the Intel 2 in 1. Not only is it small and lightweight with a keyboard, but it also has a detachable tablet. No matter where I'm going or need to be, I have options to get it all done. Going out for a pedicure? This guy can come with! Sitting and waiting? Bring it along! Best of all, it's perfectly portable for travel!
If all else fails, just clone yourself. Okay, okay the crazies are kicking in! We can do this! Time to kick butt and take names!
Could you use some extra time? If you had some, what would you do with it?
Ok, I kinda love the detachable tablet idea. That would be so helpful for me!
Multi-tasking is or specialty isn't it? I love my "me" time. Don't get enough of it, but do appreciate it when I can get it.
I'm the queen of mult-tasking but then I feel like I need to do more! I really need more me time!
I love your tips; especially the get help one. Sometimes women try to do it all when we don't have to. Delegate, delegate, delegate.
I'm a huge fan of simplifying! I love writing out short to=do lists so I don't feel overwhelmed each day.
Get help...Us moms tend to try to take on everything, but we should be willing to accept help when it's offered!
I could definitely use some extra me time! I would probably just use it to relax. Thanks for the tips!
I need some me time. Majorly. I have suffering some massive burn out lately
These are some great tips. I find it so hard to get me time. Usually, it happens once every couple of months.
Sounds like a great excuse for me to get a pedicure (I can do my work while I'm pampered). 😉 I find I hustle around the house cleaning if I'm on the phone and it doesn't even feel like a chore. 🙂
I actually have a set couple hours every week that everyone knows not to bother me unless it is an emergency. Not just the immediate family, but parents and siblings etc. All know. Those couple hours are mine and mine alone!
I know a way to get more "me" time, hide in the bathroom longer lol. These are great tips though!
These are great tips and an important reminder of the value of me time. Like the flight attendants say, put on your own oxygen mask before helping others!
Great advice. Eveyone neds me time.
Thanks for the tips....me time is so important. I especially like the tip to simplify! Easier said than done, but a tip I'm willing to give a go.
The world would be a better place if I could clone myself -- ha ha. I am lucky as my boys love to be outside and that allows for me time. If all else fails, I just send them next door to my mother-in-laws house.
You know, I tried to clone myself twice and they still have yet to help... ha! Kidding... I am the worst at delegating and asking for help.. I really think I would find more time if i actually asked for help
Work/life balance is so important for us busy moms.
now that I homeschool my kids, it seems like there are simply NOT ENOUGH HOURS in a day. . These are smoe gret tips for some me time!
I sometimes wish I was in a full time job at an office as I don't set enough limits so feel that I should not be enjoying down time but doing something on the blog.
Great tips. I am currently in school full time and when my kids are at sports practices I bring my work along to get it done.
I think simplifying is a huge thing. So many times we take on responsibilities that we can't handle or don't NEED to handle.
I don't even remember what me time is. Between work and the family, I guess me time could be considered sleeping. Maybe if I use some of these tips, that would help!
I am with you, last night I had to bring my daughter to choir practice and while the 2 little ones slept in the stroller I pulled out my laptop and got right to work! No interruptions!
Great tips for getting in a little more me time! It's so crucial to have a little time to yourself each day to recharge and re-invigorate yourself. - Katy
All great tips. I get in my me time when I go to the gym! I need that time alone.
Cloning is a great idea, let me know how that goes! I need to learn to say no, that would help me.
I"m so not ready for the time change! I feel so cheated when it starts getting dark earlier. I definitely need more me time, especially this time of year. Great tips!
I agree, getting help does help to ensure a little more "me time". Lately, my daughter has been helping me quite a bit and I couldn't be more relieved !
That is really awesome to hear! So glad you're able to sneak in a little extra time for yourself!
I love these tips. I've almost gotten TOO good about letting somethings go, though, like cleaning my house!
I'm definitely with you on needing more "me" time. I am pretty good at asking for help, the letting go is so hard! Thanks for the reminders.
Thanks for the great tips. It's so hard to find time for yourself when you're self-employed.