Enjoy this Iced Coffee by The Pool for Ultimate Me Time

This post is sponsored by The National Frozen & Refrigerated Foods Association (NFRA). All opinions are my own. For more inspiration during #JuneDairyMonth, be sure to check out delicious ideas from NFRA at EasyHomeMeals.com #JDM2023
Summer is almost here and that means a change of schedule and hopefully a lot more fun. While there is a lot going on and gatherings are usually at the forefront, this is your reminder to take moments for yourself.

You might be having a lot more fun, but you can still never sneak in enough self-care. Let me share my current favorite pool-side ideas for me-time including enjoying a delicious iced coffee with Chobani Coffee Creamers.
Here are my favorite ideas for a little splash of self-love by the pool this season. You deserve it!
QUIET TIME - when it comes to self-care, my favorite moments are the quiet ones. Those rare blocks of time where I can clear my mind and just let it run free. My very favorite place to do it is outdoors by the pool, but anywhere will do. Carve out 20 minutes or a few hours for this glorious me-time idea.

ICED COFFEE - the perfect me time pick-me-up has always been a cold glass of iced coffee. To treat yourself to the ultimate me-time moment this summer, you will want to try Chobani Coffee Creamers. I'm absolutely loving the Chobani® Sweet Cream Dairy Coffee Creamer and Chobani® Vanilla Dairy Coffee Creamer for the perfect amount of creaminess and sweetness. It makes iced coffee so smooth. You won't need any extra frills. Just iced coffee and one of their delightful creamers for the perfect pool-side beverage.

FLOAT AWAY - for the ultimate in rest and relaxation. There's nothing more peaceful and freeing than mindlessly floating in the pool. Pick up a super cute float, then kick back and relax without a single care in the world. Embrace every moment.
READ A BOOK - when is the last time you took the time to enjoy a guilty pleasure? Be sure to pick up something you would've read when life was more carefree. It's even better when you're doing this lounging out by the pool.

MOVE IT. MOVE IT. - the reason that I started getting in our pool more was because I knew it would be a very gentle way to get my body moving. The best part is it is a lot of FUN. You can do yoga moves, walking, jumping and just simply swimming. The doggy paddle totally counts.
Hope these ideas have given you some food for thought for planning your own ultimate me-time day by the pool.
Treat yourself this summer by keeping it real. Enter Chobani® Coffee Creamers, the all-natural coffee creamer made with farm fresh cream. Made with five ingredients or less, it's the perfect way to upgrade your coffee beverages with no fuss. I'm absolutely loving the Chobani® Sweet Cream Dairy Coffee Creamer in my poolside iced coffee. Chobani® Vanilla Dairy Coffee Creamer is also a delicious option. Whichever you choose, be sure to treat yourself to some for a little special me-time.

Which of these creamers do you want to try first? What are some me-time activities you would like to do by the pool?
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