
Magical Milkshakes

Magical Milkshakes that anyone can make. Ever wanted to make a fancy restaurant milkshake at home? This easy recipe is the answer.

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Post Consumer Brands. All opinions are entirely my own.

I still remember getting my first Nintendo gaming system as a kid. There was literally nothing as exciting as unwrapping it under the tree. For the weeks and months that followed, I played Super Mario Bros. like it was going out of style. I can still hear the theme song in my head. When the Nintendo Switch came out, you better believe we were beyond itching to get one!

Magical Milkshakes that anyone can make. Ever wanted to make a fancy restaurant milkshake at home? This easy recipe is the answer.

Fast forward to today and I had no idea that Nintendo and Super Mario games would literally become a tradition of sorts for my family. Before I could blink, my husband ordered one. I swear that I didn't see my husband for a good week while he "tested" it out. Hey, I don't mind. He is pretty brilliant when it comes to figuring out video games so that when I can squeeze the time in, he can very lovingly (I mean patiently, really) teach me how to play. You work the tech and I'll make the tasty snacks for family time. It totally works.

Magical Milkshakes that anyone can make. Ever wanted to make a fancy restaurant milkshake at home? This easy recipe is the answer.

If you've been just as excited about the new Nintendo Switch, which has a left and right Joy-Con built right into the console, Post cereal has an exciting sweepstakes that you'll love! I'm excited to share how you can try your hand at winning a Nintendo Switch Console and New Super Mario Odyssey Video Game Prize Pack.

Make Magical Milkshakes

This yummy Magical Milkshake recipe made with Malt-O-Meal® Marshmallow Mateys cereal just might summon a little bit of extra luck. This fancy milkshake is so easy to whip up! I made it fancy by adding a little pink frosting to the rims of my glasses and using some of the cereal to line it.

Magical Milkshakes that anyone can make. Ever wanted to make a fancy restaurant milkshake at home? This easy recipe is the answer.

I made a basic milkshake and took it over the top by adding Malt-O-Meal Marshmallow Mateys and a couple of drops or purple food coloring.  Then, to top the milkshakes, I used whipped cream, colorful sprinkles, more cereal and some cotton candy. So much fun! And the great thing is that with over 35 flavors, Malt-O-Meal has something for every taste bud in the family.

Magical Milkshakes that anyone can make. Ever wanted to make a fancy restaurant milkshake at home? This easy recipe is the answer.

Magical Milkshakes that anyone can make. Ever wanted to make a fancy restaurant milkshake at home? This easy recipe is the answer.

Magical Milkshakes


  • 3 Scoops of Vanilla Ice Cream
  • ½ Cup Milk
  • ½ Cup Marshmallow Matey's Cereal
  • Purple Food Coloring
  • Optional Ideas:
  • Top with your choice of whipped cream, colored sprinkles, more cereal and cotton candy.
  • Line the rim of your glass with frosting and more cereal.


  1. Add ice cream, milk, cereal and a couple drops of food coloring to the blender. Blend until all ingredients are combined. Top with your choice of fun and whimsical ingredients like whipped cream, more cereal, sprinkles and cotton candy.Enjoy!
Nutrition Information
Serving Size 1
Amount Per Serving Calories 363Total Fat 8gSaturated Fat 5gCholesterol 24mgSodium 289mgCarbohydrates 42gSugar 22gProtein 31g

Magical Milkshakes that anyone can make. Ever wanted to make a fancy restaurant milkshake at home? This easy recipe is the answer.

As a family, we've literally spent days working together to conquer entire Mario games, level by level. When we first started thinking about getting the Nintendo Switch, my husband was most excited about the upcoming Super Mario Odyssey game that will be available October 27th. We're definitely counting down the days until we can play. If you haven't heard about it, you'll be counting down the days with me. This interactive game offers up next-level worldly adventures. Don't worry, we'll still be trying to save Princess Peach. I wouldn't have it any other way. But our rescue efforts will be taking place in amazing almost jaw-dropping new places like New Donk City where skyscrapers rule. This sandbox-style 3D Mario adventure is packed with secrets and surprises, and with Mario’s new moves like cap throw, cap jump, and capture, you’ll have fun and exciting gameplay experiences unlike anything you’ve enjoyed in a Mario game before. I absolutely can't wait to save the Princess from Bowser’s clutches and foil his dastardly wedding plans. Are you with me?

Magical Milkshakes that anyone can make. Ever wanted to make a fancy restaurant milkshake at home? This easy recipe is the answer.


Magical Milkshakes that anyone can make. Ever wanted to make a fancy restaurant milkshake at home? This easy recipe is the answer.

Good luck!!! This is seriously exciting!!

Which Post cereal are you going to purchase to enter to win? Do you have favorites or will you try something new?



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  1. I'm trying to figure out The Switch. It's on the Christmas list for the kids, but I'm still trying to get how it works. We are Nintendo fans (the whole family) so I appreciate the insight!

  2. This milkshake does look magical. I love this milkshake idea for my daughter's sleepover she wants to have. The girls would love it.

  3. We are going to get my son a Nintendo Switch for Christmas. I think I shall keep this Magical Milkshake for myself!

  4. Wow that milkshake looks amazing! I need to make one of those for myself. I also really want Nintendo Switch! It looks great.

  5. Cute and magical! And so colorful! The grands are going to love these shakes. Post cereals are a favorite at our house. And thanks for the great giveaway opportunity.

  6. I would absolutely love to make some of these delicious milkshakes. That's such a fun dessert idea for that cereal!

  7. That milkshake is seriously one of the coolest I've ever seen. The colors draw me right to it. We LOVE our Nintendo Switch!

  8. This Magical Milkshake recipe looks so delicious. I am sure they will be a hit in my house. I will have to give the recipe a try on the weekend.

  9. This looks really yummy! I think I would make some milkshakes with this cereal too. They look so fun and sweet!

  10. These milkshakes look yummy. The kids will love them. We spent hours playing Nintendo games. Can't wait to reboot.

  11. BOOYAH! Now that's a giveaway! The Switch is Nintendo's best console in the recent years, and the thought of winning one is suh-WEET!

  12. My kiddo would love this! The colors on it are pretty cool! My kiddo has the day off so I am thinking this is going to happen today!

  13. How amazing are those shakes!? I mean, seriously - I want to dive into one right now! My niece's birthday is next month, and this is the PERFECT treat for her and her friends to make!

  14. That is such an awesome shake and an even MORE awesome giveaway! We have a Nintendo Switch and we love it, but a lot of my friends don't. I have to tell all of them about this!

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