Unicorn Ice Cream Cones

I'm a total sucker for cute things, in case you hadn't guessed yet. I made these super simple Unicorn Ice Cream Cones a couple of weeks and am finally getting around to sharing them. With summer officially arriving this week, I figured it was time to make the magic happen. Just don't let your ice cream melt before you eat it. This post contains affiliate links.
In my typical style, I made these the easy way. I had the idea to use frosting while most often, cones are decorated with chocolate or melting wafers. So I set out to experiment to see if they would hold up and to my delight, this method worked perfectly. I can see a lot of adorable ice cream cones in my future! Until then, you can get your unicorn ice cream fix with these sundaes and milkshakes.
Unicorn Ice Cream Cones with Frosting
For this simple recipe idea, we'll be using white frosting, neon food coloring and sprinkles to transform ice cream cones into something a bit more magical. This recipe is tested only on sugar cones and would probably be great with thick waffle cones. I wouldn't recommend using on cake-style cones. Oh and definitely grab a sheet of wax paper so that you can set these down to dry. That is a must.
Approximately half a can of frosting is more than perfect for decorating a typical pack of sugar cones which comes with about 12. I divided my frosting into three equal parts and mixed in my desired Neon food coloring to make pink, purple and my favorite turquoise. Once your colors are ready, you are totally ready to get the party started.
As soon as you're done adding the frosting, you want to add the sprinkles and mini marshmallow bits right away and set to firm up on that sheet of wax paper.
Simply use a spoon to add your pretty frosting to the top of each cone, then add your sprinkles and set on the wax paper. You have to promise me to have extra fun with adding your sprinkles. I love mixing and matching colors to make them pop even more. Once the frosting is firmed up to the touch, you can store them in a container and keep them cool and dry.
For added fun, I decided to add a cute ice cream scoop to share with unicorn horn and ears.
Unicorn Ice Cream
If you want to serve something extra cute with your unicorn ice cream cones, check this out. I used vanilla Tootsie Rolls to make the horn. Take one peice and divide it in half. With your hands, roll both pieces out to equal sizes and then twist them together. Leave them thicker at the base and pull upwards to form a thinner point at the top Super easy!
Unicorn Horn Made with Candy
I used vanilla Tootsie Rolls to make the horn. Take one piece and divide it in half. With your hands, roll both pieces out to equal sizes and then twist them together. Leave them thicker at the base and pull upwards to form a thinner point at the top Super easy!
Unicorn Ears with Mini Marshmallows
Take a mini marshmallow and cut diagonally. Press each side into sugar sprinkles (I used pink for this). That's it! You are now the creator of unicorn ears and they are seriously adorable.
Hope your summer starts off magical! I'm off to spend time with my family 😉