How to Throw a Murder Mystery Party

This post has been sponsored by Balloon Time. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Are you ready to take your game night to another level? Please get ready. Put your party hat and your monocle on for this one. With the rise in popularity of escape rooms and other unique adventures, it's time to learn how to throw a murder mystery party. Eek. I know! If you haven't had the pleasure of attending one before, this idea probably sounds very strange. It is but in all the best ways, I promise.
Now that I have my very own Balloon Time Jumbo Helium Tank at home, the party ideas are flowing. If you host a lot of gatherings, I highly recommend you get yourself a Balloon Time tank ASAP. Balloons are the easiest and best way to decorate, in my opinion. You can make any time celebratory with balloons. No holiday or special occasion required! Just my style.
There's no more rushing out on a last-minute balloon run before an event. You know, when you're driving with your vision partially blocked because you have balloons floating in your backseat? Nope. Can you guess how many times I've done this? Too many to count! Just another reason to have your own Balloon Time tank! You will love it and find yourself surprising your family with reasons to smile on the most random-est of days! SO FUN!
Important note: Adult supervision is required when using balloons. Please read all warning and precautions on the Balloon Time box before use.
Let me show you how I turned a simple game night into a memorable and Instagram-worthy murder mystery party. Caution: If you host a murder mystery party, get ready to become the most popular hostess of the neighborhood. Your friends will volunteer you to host all of the gatherings. 😉
My Balloon Time tank might single-handedly be responsible for the success of any murder mystery dinner party. Even with last-minute ideas, I'm looking forward to simply pulling out my conveniently-stored Balloon Time tank and magically bring my visions to life!
Now, onto the fun! You can decide whether or not you want to host a whole dinner along with your murder mystery or just a night in with appetizers or desserts. I'm all about easy, so appetizers it is.
Decide: Dinner, Appetizers or Desserts.
Then, you need to get a murder mystery game. You can find a ton of these online. I recommend searching for printable murder mystery options so you can find a theme that resonates with you and your potentials guests. If you need a nudge, think seasonal or holiday based, too. The last one we did was a Christmas murder mystery, and it was hysterical to learn that Santa "dunnit"! You can find some free options as well as some paid versions which tend to be better put together. I urge you to read reviews before deciding which one is best.
Download a Printable Murder Mystery of Choice
Make sure to fully read up on the instructions before you decide how you'll plan your murderous soiree. Some games suggest assigning your guests their character before the night of the event and suggesting they come dressed accordingly. Basically, they would arrive AS their character. How fun is that?
Hide Clues To Make It Extra Mysterious
Make your soiree mysterious by blowing up extra balloons and tying note cards with clues to them. Then, hide them around your party space for extra fun.
Come dressed in character...or not.
But, knowing your guests will help guide the way. You might know that your friends aren't the type to go this far into it. If that's the case, no worries at all. They can come as is and you'll just assign them a character when they arrive.
Now it's time to plan the final details. It's all about the theming from here, and the possibilities are endless. You might be able to pull out your Halloween decorations from storage if you're doing something extra spooky or mysterious. I sure do love that idea. I also like the idea of doing a masquerade theme and making things a little fancy. This is a perfect theme for just having guests come as is. You can provide the masks for them. Easy, peasy.
Customize Your Food & Drinks to Compliment Your Theme.
Make sure to choose dinner, appetizers, desserts and beverages to compliment the murder mystery theme.
To be the host with the most, there's just one final touch that's going to make this event extra memorable and I'm pretty sure you know what it is. Balloon Time balloons that you can inflate right at home! No hustling off to the party store. How epic is that?
Watch The Murder Mystery Tutorial Video
Elevate Your Murder Mystery
I love how simple it is to take an event to the next level, don't you?
I'm excited to hear if if you're planning on hosting a murder mystery party at home and how you do it, too!
I like how you mentioned that you can tie note cards with clues on them to balloons. My wife wants to throw a murder mystery party and she was wondering how to hide the clues around the house. I'll be sure to let her know that this is a great and creative way to hide clues!