
Heal Dry Lips with this 2 Ingredient Scrub

diy lip scrub

Dry lips always seem to be a downhill struggle for me. I know all the usual things to try between drinking lots of water and keeping my lips protected.  It must be the time of the year or just getting older in general, but my lips are driving me nuts. They always feel and look dry lately.  I don't regularly exfoliate my lips until it's completely mandatory.

healing lip scrub

Lip Exfoliating Solutions:

Typically, I find it easy to do during a warm shower. I simply rub my finger in a circular motion to remove dead skin.  The other way that I do it out of the shower is to put on lip balm and rub it off gently with a tissue. The dead skin comes right off gently. These both work pretty well for me, I must say.  I remember years ago trying a lip scrub that did wonders, I think it might have been a Mary Kay product?


Earlier this week, an email from the Epsom Salt Council (who knew?) popped up in my inbox. They sent over some very simple and easy to make beauty DIY recipes using Epsom Salt.  Since I had some on hand from  a holiday project that I never got around to, I figured why not? When I spotted the two ingredient lip scrub, I knew this was a must try.

epsom salt

Here are the instructions I received on how to heal dry lips: Mix a few tablespoons of Epsom Salt with a teaspoon of petroleum jelly, apply to lips and rub lightly. This will gently scrub away dry skin on lips, and it will also help lipstick last longer and give lips instant plump. (Total bonus)!

It was really easy to make, only took a couple of minutes.  I put the scrub in some air tight containers to store away.  With this scrub, I was able to see AND feel instant results. It made my lips a tiny bit tingly which felt awesome... and it quickly got rid of the dead skin which normally makes my lipstick look horrid.

diy lip scrub

Here's what you need:

3 Tablespoons of Epsom Salt

1 Tablespoon of Petroleum Jelly

Mix together to form a lip scrub! So easy!  Then, apply a small amount to lips and rub lightly. I remove mine with a damp towel or paper towel. Make sure not to get any in your mouth! Keep those lips perched!


Do you experience dry or chapped lips frequently? What are your tricks to help?

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  1. My husband and son both struggle with their lips a lot year-round. This sounds easy enough to try. Thanks!
    I found you through the Project Inspired Link Party. 🙂

  2. I have such an issue with dry lips. To make matters worse, I have a habit of chewing on my lips. Ugh...I'm going to try this so I can stop with these dry lips!

    Thanks for sharing at Inspire Me Mondays!

  3. Saw this on the diy Sunday Showcase link party. My boys' lips are very dry this season, this should help nicely, pinning. Diane @ Mrs U Makes

    1. How often should I put this on my lips and rub on to my lips my lips are really dry . Thank you Colleen

  4. Awesome! I will be trying this tonight, I had a bad cold last week which always leaves my lips feeling dry and rough.

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